

Let's take a moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished and look forward to the exciting summer just a few weeks ahead. This week, let's challenge ourselves to pray big and be open to receiving big answers. We will explore the story of Peter and his unwavering love for Jesus in our Sunday lesson, which is sure to inspire and encourage us all. Let's embrace the weekend with open hearts and minds, eager to grow and learn.


When it’s time to begin, start your morning of family time together by worshiping with a few special songs. It’s a great way to engage spiritually with your family. See highlighted links below for access to the video, lesson details, and a special family activity. Enjoy this time in His word and love.


BIG IDEA: God hears us when we pray to Him, so we can pray big and bold prayers.

BIBLE BASIS: Acts 12:1 - 19

KEY VERSE: “Here is what we can be sure of when we come to God in prayer. If we ask anything in keeping with what he wants, he hears us.”

1 John 5:14 (NIrV)


You can use the home guide linked HERE to help take your family deeper into the lesson throughout the week. 


As always...we close with a BOLD question of prayer to get our gospel glasses in focus. How can people be praying for you. What do you think God wants for your life? Share your prayer on the prayer link HERE. Enjoy your weekend and remember to shine His love and light to all that we meet along the way.