Make a difference in our community

Bags of Hope

Each month we assemble bags full of personal care products for our homeless and displaced neighbors. These bags contain things that many of us take for granted, like soap and toothpaste, and we also include a booklet telling about the hope that can be found in Christ. These bags are distributed to those who come to The Burrito Project.

We always need donations of new personal care products. We collect supplies for the Bags of Hope on the first Sunday of each month right here at BBCC.

Suggested donation items include shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, soap, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, disposable razors, socks, Individual packs of tissues, body wash, and deodorant. Please limit your donations to un-opened, travel sized items.For more info you can contact the church office.

First Care

Saving unborn children and their moms from the tragedy of abortion is at the heart of all that is done at First Care. That is the important ministry provided at each of their six Pregnancy Resource Centers and at the mission center in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

During 25 years of serving Palm Beach County, those in First Care have learned that each time a young man or woman is persuaded to choose abstinence, abortion is prevented. The emotional and practical support First Care provides for a young woman who is pregnant ensures that she will not give in to pressures leading to abortion. When new moms and dads learn to become better parents, First Care decreases the chance that they will choose abortion in the future. Men and women who have abortions in their past find that the programs at First Care bring healing that breaks the cycle of destruction. Every single decision for Jesus Christ is a decision towards life and away from death.
Click here to visit their website.


During BBCC's 40 Days of Community, we formed a relationship with Medicana Nursing and Rehab Center. We visit once a month to share snacks and a seasonal craft, but mostly we just brighten the residents' day with a listening ear and loving smile. You and your children are invited to participate in our visits. For more info on how you can become involved, contact the church office.

Stop Hunger Project

What It Is
Our goal is to maximize our ability to meet the needs in our community and demonstrate God’s love in a practical way.
How It Works
Members and supporters of Boynton Beach Community Church collect food each month. On the first Sunday of each month, food that has been collected is brought to BBCC’s Sunday morning services and transported to CROS Ministries, a network of local food pantries and distribution.

What You Can Do
Consistently providing food to those in need requires an ongoing supply of resources. Here are some ways you can help:
Donate suggested items for monthly collection.
Let us know about families or individuals who are in need.
Make a financial contribution to the Boynton Beach Community Church Stop Hunger Project to assist in our efforts to serve the community.

Click here for a short video for more info on CROS Ministries

Youth for Christ

Sponsored by Youth for Christ, Campus Life JAM Clubs are for middle school youth. Early adolescence is a crucial time in a person's life. Youth for Christ uses fun interaction and creative learning to point students to God's answers for life questions. Teens begin developing faith and daily dependence upon God as a result.

Campus Life JAM Clubs meet on 32 middle school campuses around the Palm Beach County. Staff and volunteers from BBCC work in two of these local JAM Clubs at Odyssey Middle School and Congress Middle School.

Click here to visit their website.