Sunday Mornings

Students participate in worship with the congregation and then participate in a Bible discussion class during the sermon.

The 1st Sundays of the month students are invited to remain for the entire Communion Service.

Nurturing the Next Generation

Youth Group: Wednesday Nights

    Middle and High School students meet every Wednesday from 6-7:30pm in the youth room for games, food, fellowship, and Bible teaching. Drop off and pick up are in the back of the Church.

    Get updates about youth Ministry using Remind. You can join by texting "@bbcc-youth" to the number 81010

    It all starts at 6pm with competitive group games fun for everyone! (we want teens to get off their phones and engage with real people)

    After working up an appetite, students enjoy a home cooked meal by one of our faithful volunteers. (we love when mature christian adults invest their time in the next generation by serving them)

    Missions Trips

    Beyond our monthly opportunities for students to serve around the Church, students have the opportunity to go on our annual YouthMissions Trip. It is important for our students to have the opportunity to put their faith into action, serving a community and creating an impact through hard work and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Throughout the year, students are provided many opportunities to join the Church in fundraising for their missions trip through fun events like bake sales, babysitting, and more!

    This Years Mission Trip